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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:47:37

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第270页(745字)


a.①相反的:listen patiently to opinions contrary to one’s own耐心听取反面意见.pipe a tune contrary to同…唱反调.The result was contrary to what I had expected.结果与我原来预料的正相反.②逆的:a contrary current逆流.contrary winds逆风.③【口语】固执的,任性的.


-n.相反,对立,反面:The contrary of‘good’is‘bad’.好的反面是坏.on the contrary 相反地:You seem to consider the incident trivial:it is.on the contrary,very serious.你好象认为那事件微不足道;恰恰相反,它是很重要的.to the contrary 相反的(地):I will come on Monday unless you write me to the contrary.我星期一一定来,除非你写信告诉我不要来.I shall continue to believe it until I get proof to the contrary.我会一直相信这件事,直到我得到相反的证明.by contraries恰恰相反地,与原意相反:He has interpreted my statement by contraries.他把我的话解释得和我的原意恰恰相反.

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