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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:47:44

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第271页(911字)


(controlled,controlling)vt.①控制,管理,操纵:control prices控制价格.control mountains and water治山治水.control power掌权.We should control the machines and not be controlled by them.我们应当操纵机器,而不要被机器所摆布.He could scarcely control himself.他几乎控制不住自己.②核对,检验:control the aceounts核对帐目.

-n.①控制,管理,支配,操纵:have control of(or over)oneself控制自己.get control over a horse驾驭.lose control of控制不住,驾驭不住.control figures(计划中的)控制数字.control of light灯火管制.automatic control 自动控制,自动调整.international control 国际监督.radio control 无线电操纵.traffic control 交通管理.birth control 节育,避孕.in control 控制,掌握:We are in complete control of the situation.我们完全控制了形势.out of control 失掉控制(能力),控制不住:The plane was out of control.飞机操纵失灵.under control 抑制,支配:bring mountains and water under control 治山治水.②(常pl.)操纵装置:the controls of an aircraft飞机操纵装置.③(鉴定实验的)对照,标准,核对:a control experiment对照实验.a control laboratory检验室,化验室.④(飞机的)修理站.

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