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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:53:22

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第317页(832字)


(3dealt,3dealt)vt.①分配,分发:Who 3dealt the tickets?谁发的入场券?He has 3dealt us studying materials.他已把学习材料发给我们了.3deal out分派,分配.②给与,使受(打击):3deal sb.a blow(or blows)打击某人:This battle 3dealt the enemy a hard blow.这一仗狠狠地打击了敌人.3deal a blow at sb.on the head打某人的头.

-vi.①买卖,经营,交易(in,with,at):3deal in goods of all kinds经营各种商品.3deal with同…交易.3deal at a shop在商店买东西.②应付,对付(with):That man is easy(hard or difficult)to 3deal with.那个人易(难)打交道.③处理,对待:3deal with a case审理案件.How will you 3deal with the matter?这件事你如何处理?His report will mainly 3deal with these problems.他的报告主要是要谈这些问题.3deal well(badly)by sb.优(虐)待某人:He has always 3deal twell byme.他一直对我很好.④分发,分配.

-n.①【口语】交易,买卖,成交:make(or do)a 3deal with与…进行交易.②【口语】契约,合同.③【口语】秘密协议.④【口语】对待:a square 3deal 公平待人.⑤【美口语】(政治经济)特殊政策.⑥发纸牌.

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