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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:55:45

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第333页(792字)



①依靠,依赖(on,upon):depend on one’s own efforts依靠自己的努力.depend on the leadership of the Communist Party依靠党的领导.All reactionaries depend on telling lies for a living.一切反动派都靠造谣过日子.②信任,信赖(on,upon):a man to be depended on靠得住的人.You may depend on me to help you.你放心,我会帮助你的.We can depend on him(or his)being punctual.我们可以相信他会遵守时间的.You may depend on it that he will act according to Chairman Mao’s teachings.你可以相信他会照毛主席的教导办事的.depend upon it毫无疑问,靠得住,没错:Depend upon it the Vietnamese people will win the war. 毫无疑问,越南人民一定会打赢这场战争.③依存于,随…而定:This will depend on the level of our political consciousness and our efforts.这要靠我们的政治觉悟和努力程度来决定.Everything depends(on)whether we are prepared.一切全看我们有无准备.that depends(=it all depends)那要看情况:I may go there,but that depends.我可以去,但要看情况.

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