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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:56:00

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第335页(558字)



①深,深度:What is the depth of the river?这河有多深?The snow is a foot in depth.雪深一呎.Our revolutionary mass criticism is developing in depth.我们的革命大批判在继续深入.beyond(or out of)one’s depth 1)水深没顶,深不着底.2)【喻】不能理解,力所不及:I’m out of my depth.我一点都不明白.②深处:from the depth of the mind从心底里.in the depth of one’s heart内心深处.in the depth of night深更半夜.in the depth of winter隆冬.in the depth of the country偏僻地方.③深奥,深刻,深沉:the depth of a theory理论的深奥.the depth of explanation解释的深刻.④(颜色)深浓,(声音)低沉,(感情)深厚:with a great depth of feelings带着深厚的感情.⑤(常pl.)深渊,深海.

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