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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 04:59:34

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第355页(1066字)


vt.①卸(货):discharge cargo(from a ship)(从船上)卸货.discharge a ship(of her cargo)卸下船上的货物.②放出,排出,流出:discharge electricity放电.A chimney discharges smoke.烟囱冒烟.The drainage gate discharges 3 cubic metres of water a second.排水闸每秒排水三立方公尺The Yellow River discharges itself into the East China Sea.黄河流入东海.③放射,发射:discharge a gun(a bow)开枪,开炮(射箭).discharge a bullet(an arrow)射出一粒子弹(一支箭).④免去,解雇,释放,使退伍.discharge sb.from obligation免去某人的责任.discharge a patient from hospital让病人出院.discharge a soldier让战士复员.Tom was discharged for his illness汤姆因病被解雇了.⑤履行(义务),偿还:discharge(oneself of)one’s duty履行义务.discharge one’s debts清偿债务.


-n.①卸货:How long will the discharge of the cargo take?货要卸多长时间?②流出,排出,放出:The discharge of water from the reservoir is carefully controlled.从水库放水是受严格控制的.③放电,放射,发射:a discharge of arrows射箭.④流出物,排泄物,流量:discharge from the ears(eyes,nose)耳垢(眼屎、鼻涕).⑤免去,释放,退伍,解雇:After his discharge from the army,he became a commune member.他从部队复员后当了公社社员.⑥履行(义务),清偿:the discharge of duties履行义务.

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