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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:07:06

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第405页(529字)



①要素,成分、分子:Communists should be the advanced elements of the proletariat.共产党员应是无产阶级先进分子.Cells are elements of living bodies.细胞是有机体的组成部分.②【化】元素.③(pl.)基本原理,入门,大纲.the elements of grammar语法入门.④(pl.)自然力:brave the elements冒风雨.⑤(古哲学)四行(地、风、火、水)之一,【喻】生存环境:the four elements四行Water is the element of fishes.水是类的生存环境.be in(out of)one’s element 在(不在)适当或满意的环境中:He is in his element when singing.他唱歌时就发挥了他的专长⑥迹象,微量:There is an element of truth in his account他的话有几分真实性.⑦部件,元件,单元.⑧电池,电阻丝.⑨【军】小单位,分队,(空军)小队.

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