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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:07:42

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第411页(872字)


vt.①雇用:The capitalists employed a number of childlabourers.资本家雇用了大批童工.be employed at(or in)在…工作:She is employed at(or in)a post-office.她在邮局工作.be employed for专管…:The old worker is employed for supervising the machine shop.这位老工人负责管理机器车间.be employed on从事:He is employed on the line(or railway).他从事铁路工作.②使用:employ aluminium for cooking pots用铝做锅.employ flexible tactics to hit the enemy运用灵活的战术打击敌人.③花费:How do you employ your time?你的时间怎么用的?He employs his leisure.hours in reading the heroic stories of our P.L.A.men他用空闲时间读解放军英雄的故事.I employed myself in arranging books我整理书籍.be employed about忙于:The women in our country are no longer employed about the house all day long.我国妇女从家庭圈子里解放出来了.be employed upon专心于:At present we are employed upon composing the text book.现在我们专心于编课本.

-n.雇用:in the employ of受雇于…,为…工作.out of employ 失业.

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