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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:07:49

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第411页(581字)


a.①空的,空着的:an empty box空箱.an empty room一间空屋.return empty 空手回来,空返.be(or feel) empty【口语】饿.②空洞的,空虚的:empty words空话.an empty face没有表情的脸.be empty of meaning无意义的.③空转的,空载的.

-n.(pl.)空的容器,空车等:Empties are not taken back.不退瓶.

-vt.倒空,搬空,放出:empty one’s glass干杯.empty(out)a drawer把抽屉腾空.empty the horses from a stable把从圈里赶出来.empty one’s gun开枪.The river empties itself into the sea.河水流入海里.

-vi.①变空:The streets soon emptied when the rain started.下雨时街上很快就没人了.②流注,放出:The water empties slowly.水慢慢流出.

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