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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:08:42

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第416页(1034字)


vt.①约束(自己),约定,保证:She engaged herself to attend the meeting.她约定要出席会议.The company engaged to finish the building by May.公司保证在五月以前建成这座楼房.I can engage that all his statements are trust worthy.我可以保证他的话都是可信的.I am engaged for tomorrow.我明天有事.②订婚(常用被动式):engage oneself to sb.与某人订婚.They are engage d.他们订婚了.He is engaged to my sister.他跟我妹妹订婚了.③预定(座位等):engage a seat定座.④雇用,聘请:engage sb.as an interpreter请某人当翻译.engage a taxi雇一辆出租汽车.⑤占用,使从事:be engaged with sb.与某人接洽.engage sb.in conversation和人谈话.be engaged in doing some work从事于某事.My time is fully engage d.我的时间全安排好了.The line is engage d.(电话)占线.⑥攻击,交战:engage the enemy攻击敌人.engage troops with the enemy派兵和敌人作战.⑦吸引:engage sb.’s attention引起某人注意, Everyone was engageed by the play.这戏吸引了大家,⑧【机】啮合.

-vi.①约定,承诺,保证(for):That’s all I can engage for.我只能保证那一点.②从事,参加(in):engage in labour参加劳动.engage in the AfroAsian Table Tennis Friendship Invitational Tournament参加亚非乒乓球友好邀请赛.③攻击,交战:engage with the enemy与敌人交战.Our orders are to engage at once.我们的命令是上出击.

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