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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:09:12

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第418页(697字)


a.充足的,足够的:e-nough for the purpose够用.e-nough food for ten guests(=food e-nough for ten guests)足够供应十个客人用的食物.We have e-nough time(or time e-nough)to do it.我们有足够的时间作那件事.Three persons will be quite e-nough.三个人就足够了.

-n.充足:足够:No,thank you.I have had e-nough,谢谢你,我吃饱了.have not done e-nough for the Party.我为党做的工作还不够.I had e-nough to do to catch the train.我费了九之力才赶上火车.E-nough of that!够了!够了!

-ad.①够,十分:They all work hard e-nough.他们工作都很努力.We can never thank our Party e-nough.我们对党感激不尽.He is old e-nough to do for himself.他能够自立了.He was man(=manly) e-nough to admit his mistake.他敢于承认错误.②尚可:He speaks English well e-nough.他英语说得还行.

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