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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:18:04

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第475页(936字)


n.①数字:cite(or give) figures列举数字.double figures两位数.six figures六位数.②(pl.)计算,算术:be good at figures善于计算.③价格:buy sth.at a low(high) figure低价(高价)购买.④图形,插图:geometrical figures几何图形.figure skating花样溜冰.⑤人像,肖像,雕像:a figure in marble大理石雕像.⑥形象,身影,身材:We saw a figure of a ship on the horizon.我们看见地平线上出现一只船.He has a good figure.他身材好.cut a fine(poor,sorry) figure 仪表不凡(露可怜相、忧郁相).⑦人物:figures of history历史人物.

△figure of speech比喻修词法.

-vt.①用图表示,用图装饰:figure dsilk花绸.②想象:figure sth.to oneself暗自想象.I figure it like this.【口语】我的看法是这样的.③计算:figure(sth.)out算出,想出.figure up合计.

-vi.①扮演…角色,占有(重要)地位:He figured prominently in the play.他在剧中扮演重要角色.figure as扮演…,担任….②计算:The car penter figured on the board. 木工在木板上计算.

△figure on【美口语】1)料想,期待,指望:I figured on your arriving early.我料到你会早些来.2)信赖:He is a person you can always figure on.他是一个靠得住的人.3)计划.

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