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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:18:58

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第483页(1161字)


vt.①使固定,安装:Fix bayonet!(口令)上刺刀!Fix class sufferings in our minds.牢记阶级苦.Aunt Li fixed a portrait of Chairman Mao on the wall.李大娘把毛主席像贴在墙上.②专注,凝视:fix one’s attention on what one is doing专心于自己在干的事.fix sb.with one’s eyes用眼睛盯住某人.③吸引(注意):This report fixed our attention.这报告使我们全神贯注.④确定,规定:sell goods at fixed prices按定价出售货物.fix the limits of a discussion确定讨论范围.fix a date for a meeting指定开会日期.⑤【美口语】整理,修理:fix one’s hair梳头.The workers fixed farm implements for the commune.工人为公社修理农具.fix a flat修补轮胎.fix over翻改,翻新(衣服等).⑥把…归于…:fix one’s hope(the blame)on sb.把希望寄托在某人身上(归罪于某人).⑦使不褪色,【像】定影.⑧使凝固.

△fix up 1)安排:fix sb up with a job给某人安排工作.fix sb.up for the night安排某人过夜.2)解决,和解:fix up a quarrel调解争吵.3)增进健康:Physical exercises will fix you up.体育锻炼能增进健康.4)修理:We are having our house fixed up.我们正在修缮房子.

-vi.①择定,决定(on,upon):fix on a date for the starting of the mobile medical teams决定巡回医疗队出发的日期.We fixed on you to break the news to him.我们决定由你去告诉他这消息.②打算,快要(主要用现在分词):They are fixing to ship some cattle.他们打算用船运送.It is fixing to rain.快下雨了.③固定,凝固.

-n.①进退两难:be in a fix 进退两难.②确定方位.

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