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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:24:15

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第528页(831字)


vt.①召集,聚集:gather the members of the circle召集小组成员.gather one’s wits聚精会神.gather breath喘气,换气.gather oneself up(or together)鼓起勇气,打起精神.be gathered to one’s fathers死亡.②摘取,采集,收集:gathermedical herbs采集草药.gather the fruits of one’s labour收获劳动果实.Bees gather honey.蜜蜂采蜜.Gather your papers and books together.把文件和书籍都归拢起来.gather up 1)收集,拾集:gather up the loose ears of corn拾起落地的谷穗.2)收拢,钉牢.③积累,(逐渐)增加:gather experience积累经验.gather flesh发胖.gather speed(or way)增加速度.gather impressions加深印象.④推断,推测:I gather,from what you say,that you are in favour of our opinion.从你的话中,我推断你是赞成我们的意见的.⑤(缝纫)拿褶;皱(眉头):gather the brows皱眉头.

-vi.①集合,聚集:gather at the school gate在校门口集合.Clouds are gathering;it’s going to rain.云在集结,天要下雨了.②增加,增大:The dusk gathers.暮色渐浓.The storm gathers.暴风雨更加猛烈.③(疮等)化脓:gather to a head(脓)出头.

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