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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:25:52

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第547页(2359字)


(better,best)a.①好的,优良的,快乐的:a good child好孩子.a good worker好工人.Good Eighth Company on Nanking Road南京路上好八连.good soil肥沃的土地.extra good news特大喜讯.have a good time过得很快活.(That’s) good.好呀.Not so good!【口语】糟得很!②有益的,适宜的,有用的,新鲜的:Swimming is good for health.游泳对健康有益.This water is good to drink.这水适于饮用.What is it good for?这是作什么用的?Fish does not keep good in hot weather.在热天放不住.It is good for nothing.它毫无用处.think good(to do)赞成,认为合适.in good time恰好,正好:sum up experience in good time及时总结经验.hold(or stand) good 有效,适用:Marxist theories hold good in any country.克思主义理论适用于任何国家.③有能力的,有本事的:be good at善于:We must be good at learning from the masses.我们必须善于向群众学习.He is good at English.他英语好.④亲切的,好心的:He did us a good turn·他帮了我们的忙.He has always been good to his comrades.他对同志一向很好.be good enough to(=be so good as to)请,劳驾:Be good enough to shut the door.请把门关上.⑤充分的,完全的:have(or take)a good rest好好休息一下.have a good look at好好看一看….make good use of充分利用….The farmhand gave the landlord a good beating.长工把地主痛打一顿.⑥相当的,大量的,足足的:a good deal of fruit大量的水果.a good many people相当多的人.go for a good long walk走相当长的路.1 waited fora good three hours.我足足等了三小时.It is three miles good from the station离车站足足有三哩.⑦强健的,精神饱满的:be in good spirits精神饱满.His eyesight is still good.他的视力仍然很好.⑧可靠的,保险的: a car with good brakes闸好使的汽车.good debts一定能偿还的债.⑨(用于问候或告别)Good morning!早晨好!Good evening!晚上好!Good night!晚安!明天见!

△as good as事实上,跟…差不多:He is as good as his word.他言行一致We as good as told him that he was wrong.我们实际上等于告诉他说他错了.Our work is as good as done.我们的工作差不多要完成了.My bike is as good as new,even though I’ve had it a year.尽管用了一年,我的自行车还和新的一样.as good as a play非常有趣.as good as gold完美无缺,再好不过了.good and非常,完全:He is good and tired.他非常累.good for 1)可支付的.2)适于:He is good for another five miles.他还能走五哩.3)可用,有效:The ticket is good for three days.这张票有效期三天.make good 1)赔偿,弥补:make good a loss赔偿损失.2)履行:make good one’s promise履行诺言.3)达到目的,成功4)保持(地位等).

-n①善良,美德:Good will be rewarded with good,and evil with evil.善有善报,恶有恶报.②利益,好处,用处:do more good than harm益多害少.for sb.’s good 为某人好. for the good of为…打算.be up to no good 恶作剧,干坏事.It’s no good going there.去也无用.do sb.’s good 对某人身体有益:It will do you good to leave off smoking.戒烟对你身体有好处.

△to the good 纯利.for good(and all)永久,永远:China at length got rid of feudalism and imperialism for good 中国终于永远摆脱了封建主义和帝国主义.

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