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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:30:08

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第578页(2706字)



一vt.①有,含有,怀有:I have some new novels.我有几本新小说.Have you a nail-clippers about you?你身边有指甲刀吗?A year has four seasons.一年有四季.have the country in heart and the whole worldin mind胸怀祖国,放眼世界.have sth.in家中有某物:We have enough coal in for the winter.我们有足够的煤过冬.②知道,理解:I have your idea.我明白你的意思.I had no news of him.我不知道他的情况.He has only a little French.他只懂一点法语.③(与带to的不定式连用)必须,不得不:We have to leave early.我们必须早点走.Have you to see him today?你今天一定要去看他吗?These shoes haven’t(got)to be repaired.这些鞋还不是非修理不可.④(与某些有动词意义的名词连用)从事:have a look看一看.have a walk散散步.Let me have a try.让我试一试.Do you often have heart-to-heart talks with your comrades?你常和同志们谈心吗?⑤拿,接受,取得:May I have this one?我可以拿这个吗?I did not have any letter from her last week.上星期我没有接到她的信.We shall have information tomorrow.明天我们会得到通知的.have sth.back把某物弄回:Let me have it back soon.早一点把它还给我.⑥吃,喝:When do you have lunch?你什么时间吃午饭?Let us have some tea.让我们喝点茶.⑦经历,遭受:Did you have a good holiday?你假日过得好吗?She had a bad headache.她头疼得厉害.U.S.imperialism is having a hard time now.美帝今天的日子不好过.⑧(have +宾语+动词原形)使,让,说服,劝:Have him do it.叫他去做吧.The master worker had us sum up our experience.工人师傅要我们总结经验.What would you have me do?你想要我干什么?⑨(have +宾语+分词或形容词)使得,弄得,把…:He had a leg broken.他一条腿弄断了.We must have these rooms whitewashed.我们须把这些房间粉刷一下.The workers soon had the machine running again.工人们很快又使机器运转起来了.Have all the windows open.把窗子都打开吧.⑩【口语】欺骗,占优势:a person not easily had不易受骗的人.He had me in that argument.在那场辩论中他驳倒了我.have sb.on【口语】欺骗某人.⑾(have +it+that从句)表明,主张:They will have it that their plan is practicable.他们将要说明他们的计划是可行的.

△have at(sb.)(常用于祈使句)攻击(某人).have sb.down邀某人作客.have sth.on 1)穿,戴:We had our winter clothes on.我们穿上了冬装.2)有事情(任务):I have nothing on tomorrow evening.我明天晚上没有事情.have one’s sleep out使继续睡觉:Let her have her sleep out.让她睡够吧.have sth.out拔除某物:have a tooth out把牙拔掉.have sth.out with sb.与某人达成谅解,谈开:Let ns have the matter out with him when he comes.他来的时候,我们要和他把问题谈开.have sb.up 1)请某人到家作客.2)(常用被动式)传(某人)到法庭.

-aux.v.(后接过去分词,构成完成式)①(现在完成式):He has gone.他已经走了.We have forged a profound militant friendship in the common struggle.我们在共同斗争中结成了深厚的战斗友谊.Have you done it?——Yes,I have(No,I have not).你做完了吗?——我做完了(我没做完).②(过去完成式):He had learned English before he came here.他来这里之前已学过英语.By the end of 1970 we had fulfilled the Third Five-Year Plan.至1970年底我们已完成了第三个五年计划.③(将来完成式):I shall have left Peking when you return.你回来时,我将已经离开北京了.By this time next year we shall have turned all the land here into rice fields.到明年此时我们就已经把这里的全部土地改成稻田了.

-n.①(常pl.)富人,富国:(只用于)the have sand the have-nots富人和穷人,富国和穷国.②【口语】欺诈,诈骗.

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