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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:34:19

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第610页(714字)


(hotter,hottest)a.①热的:a hot day热天.hot weather热的天气.I like my food hot.我喜欢吃热的饭食.hot air 1)热空气,热气.2)【口语】大话,吹.be in(or get into) hot water陷入困境.make a place too hot for sb.迫使某人呆不住.drop sth·like a hot potato急忙扔掉.Strike the iron while it’s hot.【谚】趁热打铁,趁机行事.②辣的:Pepper and mustard are hot.胡椒和芥末是辣的.③热烈的,激烈的,热心的,兴奋的:a hot battle激战.a hot argument热烈的辩论.hot pursuit紧追.be hot on the trail(or sb.’s tracks)逼近被追者,紧跟.④急性的,火性的:a hot temper急躁的脾气.in hot blood发怒,激昂.get hot over an argument辩论时慷慨激昂.hot stuff【俚】精神旺盛者,热情的人,多情的人,意志坚强的人,技术高超的人.⑤最新的(消息等),才出炉(锅)的,热腾腾的(莱等):hot news【口语】最近消息.⑥放射性的:a hot laboratory原子核实验室.

-ad.热烈地,猛烈地:blow hot and cold【喻】反复无常.give it him hot【口语】大骂或严惩某人.

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