更新时间:2018-09-12 05:39:42
出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第655页(508字)
a.①立刻的,立即的:She felt instant relief after the acupuncture treatment.针刺后,她马上感到轻松.②紧急的,迫切的:meet the instant needs of the poor and lower-middle peasants满足贫下中农的急需.③(用于商业和官方信件,【略】inst.)本月的.④能迅速备用的(食物):instant coffee速溶咖啡.
-n.①即时,即刻:Come here this instant!马上到这儿来!He left on the instant(=He left that instant).他立即离去了.I sent you the news the instant(that)I knew.我一知道这消息便告诉你了.②瞬息,霎时:for an instant 一瞬间.at that instant 在那时候,在那一瞬间.I’ll be back in an instant.我一会儿就回来.