出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第697页(978字)
n.①陆地,大陆:dry land 岸,陆(水面之对).land force(s)地面部队,陆军.go by land 走陆路.make land 1)(航海中)见到陆地.2)靠岸.see how the land lies摸清情况,相机行事.②土地,地面,田园:arid land 干旱地.irrigated land 水田.green land 牧场.land reform土地改革.cultivate land for the revolution为革命种田.work on the land 在田间劳动.③国土,国,国家及其人民(一般用country):my native land 我的祖国(比较:my native place我的故乡).Not one inch of our fair land will we surrender.祖国的好山河寸土不让.④地皮,(pl.)地产.
-vt.①使上岸,使降落,使着陆,使下船(下车):land goods卸货.land the plane safely使飞机安全着陆.Buses land passengers at bus stops.公共汽车把乘客送到站.②使陷入:The enemy have landed themselves in a tight place.敌人已陷入四面楚歌.The enemy were landed in a dilemma.敌人陷于进退两难.③【口语】得,获得:land a prize得奖品.④抓,捕:land a criminal逮捕罪犯.land a fish 1)抓鱼.2)成功.⑤【俚】打,击:land in the eye在某人眼睛上打一拳.
-vi.①上岸,登陆,降落,跳下:I landed at Shanghai.我在上海上岸.②到达:I landed at his house.我到了他家.③陷入,处于…状态,处…地位:land on one’s feet幸运,躲过麻烦.
△land on 1)跌倒时碰着.2)责骂.