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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:46:09

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第702页(1088字)


(later,latest)a.①迟的,迟到的:a late comer迟到者.The train is late.火车晚点了.Don’t be late for(or to)school.上学不要迟到.I was three minutes late for the train.我迟到三分钟,没有赶上火车.at(the) latest最迟不晚于:Be here on Monday at(the) latest.最迟星期一要到这儿.②晚的,后期的,迟暮的:late crops晚庄稼.late autumn深秋.in the late seventies of the 20th century二十世纪七十年代末期.Spring is late in coming.春来得晚.It is late at night.夜深了.③近来的,新近的:the late rains最近的雨.of late years近年,这儿年来.a late r edition较新的版本.the latest news(fashions)最新消息(式样).④从前的,前任的:the late secretary前任书记.⑤.(新近)去世的:my late father我已故的父亲.

-ad.①迟,迟到:He arrived too late to catch the train.他到得太晚,没能赶上火车.Don’t come late next time.下次不要迟到.Better late than never.【谚】不怕慢,就怕站.②晚,后期:He always sits up late studying.他经常学习到深夜.late r on以后:I’ll see you late r on.我以后来看你.early and late 从早到晚.early or late(=sooner or later)迟早.③最近,不久以前:I saw him as late as yesterday.我昨天还看见他呢.of late 近来:The contradictions among the imperialist countries have even more sharply increased of late.近来帝国主义国家间的矛盾更加尖锐化了.④以前是,原先是:Now my house,late Comrade Li’s.现在我的住处,原先是李同志的住处.

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