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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:47:50

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第714页(722字)


(lent,lent)vt.①借出,借给:The library lends books to the readers.图书馆把书借给读者.Will you lend me your bicycle?你能把自行车借给我用一下吗?②贷(款),出租:a lending library贷书图书馆.The credit co-op lends money at no interest to the poor and lower-middle peasants.信用合作社无息贷款给贫下中农.③给予,提供:Many factories lent assistance to this major project.许多工厂支援这项重点工程.This fact lend sprobability to the story.从这事实看来,.这故事是真的.lend a(helping) hand帮一手,帮忙:I lent him a hand in doing the work(or with the work).我帮他做这件工作.lend one’s ears(or an ear)to倾听,注意听取.lend oneself to尽力于:The enemies lend themselves to various plots.敌人施展各种阴谋诡计.lend itself to适于….lend·er n.出借者.

-n.贷,借:Will you give me the lend of your spade?你可以把铁锹借给我用一下吗?

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