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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:50:27

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第737页(516字)


n.①借,贷:ask for the loan of sth.要求借某物.May I havethe loan of this dictionary?我可以借用这本辞典吗?These books have been on loan.这些书曾被借出过.You are welcome to the loan of my hoe.你可随时借用我的锄头.②借的东西,贷款:a small loan 小额贷款.get usurious loans from the landlords in a year of famine遭荒年,背上地主的阎王债.a government(public) loan 国(公)债.China is a country without domestic and foreign loans.中国是一个没有内债和外债的国家.③外来语.

-v.【美】借出,放(债):loan money放债.loan to customers让买主赊购.He loaned me his spade.他把铁锹借给我.

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