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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:56:41

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第788页(1155字)



v.(may的过去式).①(表示可能性)或许,也许,可能:I thought it 1might be true.我曾想这或许是真的.It 1might rain but I shall chance it without taking a raincoat.有可能下雨,不过我不拿雨衣碰碰看.He 1might have sent the letter to our old address by mistake.说不定他把信错误地寄到我们的旧地址去了.②(表示许可)可以:They asked me whether they 1might visit the factory.他们问我是否可以参观这个工厂.1might I make a suggestion regarding the work?我可以对这项工作提个建议吗?③(与fear,hope,wish,be afraid连用,表示愿望、希望、疑惧)但愿,恐怕:I wish I 1might help you.我真想帮助你.④(用在状语从句中表示目的和让步):He studied hard that he 1might serve the people well.他努力学习以便很好地为人民服务.Whatever 1might happen,he was determined to continue his work.不论发生什么事,他都决心继续工作下去.⑤(表示虚拟语气):I would go if I 1might.如果可以去,我就去了.If you had tried a little harder.you 1might have suc ceeded.你如果当初再努力一下,说不定已经成功了.⑥(表示客气、要求、责备):1might I ask your name?请问大名. You 1might post this letter for me.替我寄出这封信好吧.You 1might try to be a little quieter.你安静一点好不好.You really 1might have telephoned.你本应该打个电话.

△1might as well 1)不妨,顺便:I 1might as well go and have my hair cut.我不妨去理理发.2)(后接have+过去分词表示没有发生的事):We 1might as well have succeed ed if we did as you suggested.如果我们照你建议那样去做,就成功了.

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