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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 05:57:38

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第794页(555字)


n.①分(钟):five 1minutes to ten差五分十点.He alwayswent on duty a few 1minutes before time.他总是提前几分钟上班.②一会儿,瞬间:Wait a 1minute.等一会儿.in a 1minute 立刻,上:He’’ll come in a 1minute.他马上就来.to the 1minute 准时:The train arrived at 5o′clock to the 1minute.火车五点钟正点到站.the 1minute(that)一…就:I’tell him the 1minute(that)he arrives他一来我就告诉他.③一度的六分之一,分:37°30′(37 degrees and 30 1minutes)37度30分.④(pl.)会议记录:1minutes of talks会谈记要.It’s on the 1minutes.这是记录在案的.⑤正式记录,备忘录:make a 1minute of sth记录某事.


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