出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第846页(716字)
n.①笔记,草稿:make along speech without anote不看稿作长篇发言 make notes记笔记.②注,注解,按语:editor′s note 编者按.introductory notes按语.marginal notes傍注.notes on(or to)the text正文的注解.③心得,看法,意见:compare notes交换意见.④便笺:leave a note 留条子.a note of thanks感谢信.a note of invitation请帖.⑤照会,备忘录:exchange of notes换文.⑥音,音调,语气,特征:change one’s note 改变调子,转变态度.a note of assurance确信的语气.the chief note of one’s character性格的主要特征.strike the right note 说话恰当引起共鸣. strike(or sound)a false note 说错话或做错事引起反感.⑦鸟鸣声.⑧音符,琴键.⑨符号:a note of exclamation惊叹号.a note of interrogation疑问号.⑩票据,纸币:a¥2 note 一张二元钞票.⑾注意:a matter worthy of note 值得注意的事情.Take note of what he says.注意他的话.⑿名望,声名:a man of note 名人.