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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:07:08

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第862页(703字)


vt.①提供,献给:offer advice(an opinion,a suggestion)提出劝告(意见、建议).offer sb·a post给某人安排工作.He offered his life to the great cause of emancipation.他把生命献给了伟大的解放事业.We should offer what is convenient to others while tackling the difficulties ourselves.我们应当把方便让给别人,把困难留给自己.He offered to help me.他答应帮助我.offer one’s hand 1)伸手(给人握手).2)向(女人)求婚.offer battle挑战:offer battle to the enemy向敌人挑战②企图,表示:offer to strike sb.想打某人.offer insults to sb.侮辱某人.③出售,出价:offer the house for l,000出售房屋要价千镑.offer 1,000 for the house对该屋出价千镑.

-vi.①呈现,出现:as occasion offers一有机会.②建议.③【宗】奉献.

-n.提供,提议:an offer of help提出帮助.accept an offer 接受提议.make an offer 1)出价.2)求婚.

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