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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:13:07

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第909页(907字)


a.①过去的,以前的:for a long time past 过去很长时间.one’s past life过去的生活.past generations前辈.She was ill for the past few days.前几天她生病了.Winter is past.冬天过去了.②【语法】过去的:the past tense过去时.the past participle过去分词.

△past master精通某学科的人,能手:a past master of(or in)chemistry精通化学的人.

-n.①(the past)过去,往事:in the past 在过去,从前.Forgetting the past means betrayal.忘记过去就意味着背叛.②经历(尤指不名誉的):a man with a past 来历不明的人.We know nothing of bis past.我们不知道他过去的经历.

-prep.①(时间)过,(年龄)以上:The film will begin at half past five.电影五点半放映.His mother is past sixty.他母亲已六十多岁了.②经过,通过:The railroad runs past many mountains.铁路穿过群山.He walked past me.他从我旁边走过去.③超过(限度、能力等):He is past work.他没有工作能力了.It is past my ability:这是我力所不及的.I don’t think the child is past all hope.我认为这孩子的病能治好.

-ad.过,经过:go(or walk) past 走过去.The bus is past due.公共汽车误点了.

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