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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:16:22

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第938页(844字)


vt.①投,掷,扔:2pitch me that ball.把那球扔给我.②搭(帐篷等),安顿(住处):They 2pitched their tent at the foot of the hill.他们在山脚下搭了帐篷.③【乐】定调:The song is 2pitched too high for us.这只歌的调子给我们起得太高了.④使向前倾跌,使向外摔:The car overturned and the people were 2pitched out.卡车翻了,人们都被摔出来了.⑤【俚】讲(故事).

-vi.①投,掷,扔.②朝前跌倒,向外摔:The child 2pitched on his head.那孩子头朝下地跌倒了.③(船)上下颠簸:The ship 2pitched terribly in the heavy seas.船在恶浪中颠簸得很厉害.④搭帐篷,安置:The advance detachment 2pitched here.先头部队在这里扎营.⑤偶然选定,决定(on,upon).

△2pitch in使劲干(起来),2pitch into 1)猛烈攻击,严厉斥责(某人).2)着手:2pitch into a dinner狼吞咽.We 2pitched into the job.我们开始忙干工作.

-n.①投掷,投掷的距离,(垒球的)投球.②【乐】音调的高低度,说话声调的高低度:at a high(low) 2pitch 用高(低)调.③程度,高度:to the highest 2pitch 达到顶点.④斜度,屋面坡度,倾斜.⑤【船】上下颠簸.⑥(路边的)零售摊:queer sb.’s 2pitch 破坏某人的计划,阻挠某人.

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