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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:22:43

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第978页(651字)


n.①价格,价钱:Prices are stable.物价稳定.Prices are falling(rising).物价下跌(上涨).What is the price of cucumbers today?今天黄瓜什么价钱?②价值,贵重:above(or beyond) price(=without price)无价之宝的,极贵重的.③报酬,悬赏,贿赂:put(or set)a price on sb.’s head悬赏格杀或缉拿某人.There is no price for thisman这个人是无法贿赂收买的.④代价:at a price 付出相当大的代价.at any price 不惜任何代价,无论如何.

△What price …?1)【俚】机会如何:What price fine weather tomorrow?明天会有好天气吗?2)有什么用处(讽刺失败的事):What price blockade and embargo now?封锁禁运又有什么用?price·less a.①无价的,极贵重的.②【俚】荒谬的,非常有趣的.

-vt.①定价,标价:price the goods标明商品价格.price oneself(or one’s goods)out of market定价过高,失去市场.②【口语】问价.

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