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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:27:32

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1004页(820字)


n.①目的,计划,意图:It was my purpose to get home before Monday.我计划在星期一之前到家.They worked hard for the purpose of technical innovation.他们为技术革新而辛勤劳动.For what purpose(s)are you going to Peking?你到北京去干什么?This lathe is used for various purposes.这车床有多种用途.This hammer will answer my purpose.这把锤适合我用.on purpose(=of set purpose)故意,有意:They went there on purpose to visit the veteran worker.他们特意去那儿拜访那位老工人.②意志,决心,决意:be weak of purpose 决心不大.be wanting in purpose 意志薄弱.③结果,效果:to little(no,some) purpose 有很少(没有、有些)效果:labour to no purpose 徒劳.④要领,主旨:to the purpose 中肯:His explanation is very much to the purpose.他的解释极为中肯.

-vt.想,打算,决心:They purpose a further attempt.他们打算再做一次尝试.We purpose making(or to make)a decision next week.我们打算下星期作出决定.He purposes that it should not occur again.他希望此事不再发生.

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