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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:33:43

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1043页(902字)


vt.①反射,反照,反响:A mirror reflacts light.镜子反射光线.Sounds are often reflacted in an echo.声音往往在回声中反响出来.②反映,映:a picture reflacted on a screen映在银幕上的影片.reflact the opinions of the masses反映群众的意见.The bridge is reflacted in the water.桥映在水里.A man’s actions reflact his thoughts.人的行为反映人的思想.③考虑,思考:reflact how to overcome the difficulties考虑如何克服困难.We reflacted that our troubles would soon be over.我们考虑到我们的困难不久就要过去了.④招致、博得(信任等),使受(羞辱等):reflact discredit upon sb.给人带来耻辱.His noble revolutionary spirit reflacted credit on him.他崇高的革命精神给他带来荣誉.

-vi.①反射,反映,反响:clouds reflacting on the lake映在湖面上的云彩.②考虑,思考:reflact on oneself反省.reflact on(or upon)a problem考虑问题.I must reflact upon what answer to make.我必须考虑一下如何答复.I shall reflact before I do.在做之前,我得考虑一下.③招致(谴责或不信任等),对…有坏影响:reflact on(or upon)不信任,怀疑,玷辱名誉:reflact upon the success对成功有不良影响.reflact upon sb.’s sincerity怀疑某人的诚意.

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