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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:37:49

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1065页(1061字)


vt.①保留,留下,留作专用:reserve one’s view(s)保留意见.reserve oneself for养精蓄锐以待….The first three rows of the auditorium are reserved for the foreign guests.礼堂的前三排座位是留给外宾的.reserve for(or to)oneself为自己的好处而保留:reserve for(or to)oneself the right to demand compensation for all the losses保留自己要求赔偿一切损失的权利.②贮备,贮藏,保存:reserve grain贮藏粮食.reserve vegetables for winter贮备过冬蔬菜.③预定(房间、座位等):reserve a room at a hotel预定旅馆的房间.reserve a seat for sb.替某人预定座位.④注定:A great future is reserved for the youth.光明的前途正等待着青年.

-n.①保留,限制,节制:with reserve 有保留地,有限制地.put(or place)a reserve price on sth.把某物定下最低价格.without reserve 无保留地,无限制地,直言不讳地:He has accepted your opinion without reserve.他完全接受了你的意见.②缄默,含蓄,冷淡:reserve of manner态度的冷淡.break through sb.’s reserve 打破某人的缄默含蓄态度.③贮备,贮藏,保存,贮备物:the bank’s reserves银行储备金.a reserve fund预备金.his reserve strength他积蓄的力量.He has a reserve of energy.他精力充沛.in reserve 留下来的,预备的:grain in reserve 贮备粮.have(or keep)a little money in reserve 贮存一些钱.④留待专用的地方:a game reserve 猎物保留地.⑤【体】预备队员;【军】预备队,后备军:the reserve 后备舰队、军队及空军;预备役.

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