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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:40:57

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1083页(3017字)


a.①右的,右面的:on the right side在右边.at(or on,to)one’s right hand在右方.besb.’s right arm(or hand)得力助手.put one’s right hand to the work认真做工作.②(政治上)右的,右派的:the right wing of intellectuals知识分子的右翼.“Left”in form but right in essence形“左”实右.③正当的,公正的:right conduct正当行为.act a right part采取正当行动.It is right that we should give support to the Indochinese people.我们支援印度支那人民是应该的.It isn’t right of him to do that.他做那件事是不应该的.I think it right to tell you.我认为应该告诉你.④正确的,准确的:the right method正确的方法.Your opinions are quite right.你的意见是很对的.That’s right.不错,对了.What’s the right time?准确的时间是几点?Right you are(=right oh)!【口语或俚】你说得对!完全对!All right!(用以表示同意、赞同)对,对!⑤恰当的,适当的:do the right thing at the right time在适当的时候,做适当的事.He is the right man for the position.他适合担任那个职务.put the right saddle on the right horse责备应该受责备的.⑥健康的,正常的,清醒的:Do you feel all right?你觉得身体好吗?I am all right again.我完全恢复了健康.be in one’s right mind(or head)精神正常.as right as rain(or a trivet)情况良好.⑦正面的:the right side of cloth(a rug)布(地毯)的正面.⑧顺利的,满意的:Everything will come out right in the end.结果一切都会好的.⑨直的,直角的,垂直的:a right angle直角.a right line直线.△get sth.right 1)=put sth.right.2)正确理解而不致误解.put(or set) sth.(or sb.) right 1)修好:put this machine right 把这台机器修好.2)矫正,改正:I have just put my watch right.我刚对准了表.3)使恢复健康:The medicine will soon set you right.这药很快就能治好你的病. on the right side(of forty)不满(四十岁).rightly ad.rightness n.

-ad.①一直,笔直:go right on一直前进.1ook right into the sky对看天空仔细看.Go right to the end on this road and then turn left.一直走完这条路,然后向左转.The enemy gunboat sank right to the bottom.敌人的炮艇一直沉到底了.②完全地:The pear was rotten right through.这只梨烂透了.③公正地,正确地,恰当地:You judged right.你判断得公正.if I remember right 如果我没有记错的话.It serves him right.这是他应得的.④正好,恰好:right now就在此时.right here就在这里.Speak out right before me!当我面说出来!The enemy soldiers fell right into the trap.敌军正好掉进陷井里.right off【美口语】立刻.⑤顺利地,满意地:Our work is going right.我们的工作正在顺利进行.⑥非常,十分:be right glad to hear十分高兴地听到….know right well非常了解.⑦向右,在右面:Right turn(=right face)!【军】向右转! right and left 1)向左右两方,向四面八方:The crowd divided right and left.人群向四面散开.2)自由地,不受约束地.

-n.①公正,正义,正当,正确:draw a clear distinction between right and wrong分清是非.be in the right 正确,有理,站在正义一边:Who on earth is in the right?究竟是谁对呢?do sb.right 公平对待某人.②(pl.)原状,真相:the rights of the case案件的真相.set(or put)sth·to right s把…整理好,弄妥.③权利,公正的要求,有权要求或占有的东西:civil right s公民权.the right of priority优先权.the right of veto否决权.territorial sea right s领海权.have a(or the) right to(or to do,of doing)sth.有…的权利(有做…的权利):have the right to education有受教育的权利.He has the right to say so.他有权这样说.by right(s)公正地,正当地. by right of由于….assert(or stand on)one’s right s坚持自己的权利.in one’s own right 由于本人的权利、资格.right of way(优先)通行权.④右,右面:on the right 在右面.Keep to the right.靠右边走(开车).turn to the right 向右拐弯.⑤(Right)(政治上的)右派.

-vt.①纠正,改正,改善,整理:right a wrong改正错误.right the room把房间收拾好.②弄直,扶直,扶正:right the helm把舵扶正.The ship righted herself after the big wave had passed.大浪过去以后,船又恢复了正常.③使恢复权利,报复,辩护.


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