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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:42:55

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1097页(2745字)


a.①圆的,球形的,圆筒形的:round cheeks圆胖的脸.a round arch【建】圆拱.as round as a ball象球一样圆.a round-table conference圆桌会议.②来回的,旋转的:a round trip周游,往返.a round voyage环航.a round robin(不显露签名人次序的)圆形签名请愿书.③整数的,完全的,完整的,继续的:a good,round sum相当大的数目.a round dozen整整一打.in round numbers(or figures)按十、百、千等整数表示的,约略正确的.④圆润的,流畅的,嘹亮的:a round voice洪亮圆润的声音.a round hand圆润的字体.⑤直率的:a round unvarnished tale实话.scold sb.in good,round terms直率地责备某人.⑥有生气的,活泼的:at a round pace有力的步伐.⑦【语音】圆唇的:a round vowel圆唇元音.roundness n.

-n.①圆形物:a round of toast一块圆的吐司面包.②一圈,一周,一轮,一局,一场:the first round 第一轮(比赛).go for a good round 散步一大圈再走回家.③(pl.)巡回,巡行,巡视:the doctor’s round of visits医生的巡回探视病人.make one’s rounds(=go the rounds)例行巡视或检查:The night watchman makes his rounds every hour.夜间值班员每小时巡回一次.go the round(of)传遍:The news went the round of the city.这消息传遍全市.④范围:the round of science科学的范围.⑤规则性的循回,循环:the earth in its daily round 地球的自转.a round of pleasures一系列喜事.the daily round 日常的例行工作.⑥一伙,一群:a round of bourgeois politicians一群资产阶级政客.⑦(射击或排射)一发,一次射击,一发所需的弹药:fire a round 打一发.have only two rounds of ammunition left只剩下两发弹药⑧一阵:a round of applause一阵掌声.round after round of cheers一阵阵的欢呼声.⑨(梯的)级,(桌、椅腿间的)横撑.⑩圆雕,立体雕刻:in the round 1)圆雕的,立体雕刻的:a sculpture in the round 圆雕艺术品.see sth.in the round 看某物的全面.2)刻划鲜明的:rural life in the round 描写生动的农村生活.⑾轮唱曲.⑿圆舞.

-ad.①成圆形或曲线地:Don’t turn round.不要回头.②旋转地,循环地:The wheels go round rapidly.车轮飞快地旋转.May Day will soon be round again.‘五一’节又要到了.all the year round 整年,一年到头.round and round 旋转不息地.all round(=right round)从头到尾循环一周地,处处,各处.taking it all round 从各方面考虑.③周围:The reservoir is ten li round.这水库方圆十里.④从一地到另一地,到处,附近:in all the villages round about在附近所有的村庄内.Come round and see me this evening.今晚来看我.look round 1)回头看.2)参观游览.show sb.round 领人参观.⑤逐一地:He handed round cigarettes to all of us.他把香烟递给我们大家.The news was soon passed round.消息不久就传开了.go round 供给每个人:We have enough food to go round.我们有足够的食物供给大家.⑥迂回地,绕道地:go(a long way) round 绕(远)道走.

-prep.①环绕,围绕:Our manmade satellite is flying round the earth.我们的人造卫星在绕地球飞行.The students stood round him.学生们站在他的周围.U.S.imperialism has put many nooses round its own neck.美帝已把很多绞索套在自己的脖子上.②在附近,到处,绕过:go round the corner从那个角拐过去.He looked round the room.他在室内四处环顾.③大约,左右:pay round about 100 yuan for a watch用一百元左右买一块表.

-vt.①弄圆,使成圆形:When you make the sound,you should round your lips.你发[u:]音时,要圆唇.②环绕:round the earth环绕地球.round sb.(or sth.)up 1)驱集(等):Round up the sheep.把羊驱集一起.2)召集,聚集(人).③绕行:round the Cape of Good Hope绕道好望角.④完成,使圆满:round sth.off使圆满结束,增添合适的修饰:round off an article修饰一篇文章以使完美.


△round on(or upon)sb.攻击某人,责骂某人.round out 1)(使)成为圆形.2)使圆满结束.

上一篇:rough 下一篇:rouse