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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:43:32

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1103页(5727字)


(ran,run,running)vi.①跑:run very fast跑得很快.run two miles跑两哩.run across the street跑过路.run to catch the train跑去赶火车.He who runs may read.跑着都能读(明显易懂).run about跑来跑去,自由玩耍.②逃跑:The puppet soldiers ran for their lives in horror.伪军们惊慌逃命.run for it跑着躲开,避开.cut and run【俚】奔逃.run away逃走.③匆匆忙忙地做:Don’t run through your work. 别匆匆忙忙赶工作.We ran to his aid(or to help him).我们急忙过去帮助他.run at向…猛扑,袭击:We ran at the enemy’s position.我们向敌人阵地猛攻.④参加赛跑,跑步:run in the 400 metres跑四百米.He will run in the National Games.他将参加全国运动会的赛跑.He ran second.他跑了第二名.⑤行驶,航行,往来:The buses run every five minutes.公共汽车每隔五分钟开一趟.The 9.05 train is not running today.九点零五的火车今天不开了.The ship ran before the wind船顺风行驶.⑥运转,旋转:The machine won’t run properly.这机器运转不正常.The rope ran in a pulley.绳子绕着滑轮转.The works have ceased running.这工厂停产了.⑦流,滴:run with sweat流汗.Rivers run into the sea.江河流入大海.The little girl’s nose is running.小女孩流着鼻涕.His blood ran cold.他吓坏了.The sands are running out.【喻】灾难临头.⑧传播,散布,蔓延:The news that we had wiped out an enemy regiment ran like wildfire.我们歼灭敌军一个团的消息迅速传开了.A cheer ran down the line.队伍中发出欢呼声.⑨延伸,通向,贯穿:The railway runs right to Peking.这条铁路直通北京.This street runs east and west.这条街是东西行的.The Great Wall runs across several provinces.长城横贯了好几个省. Mass revolutionary criticism ran through the whole process of our work.革命大批判贯穿了我们工作的始终.⑩连续,(时间)延续,过:hit the bull’s-eye seven times running连中靶心七发.The play ran(for)six months.这剧连续上演六个月.run by(时间)过去:How fast the years run by!这几年过得真快!⑨继续有效,通用:That act doesn’t run in this area.那条法令在这个地区不适用.The treaty runs for ten years.此条约有效期为十年.⑿有…趋势,有…共同特点,倾向于:His taste runs to art.他的爱好倾向于艺术.Diligence and frugality run in our country勤俭是我国的风尚.⒀(思想、感情、目光、记忆等)掠过:The thought kept running through my head.这种思想曾萦绕我的脑际.His eyes ran over me.他瞥了我一眼.A cold shiver ran down my spine.我感到背上一阵寒慄.run back over the past回忆过去.⒁扩散,渗开,洇:The colour will run when the cloth is washed.这布洗起来掉色.Ink will run on the wet paper.在湿纸上写字要洇.⑥变成,发展成为,陷入…情况:run in debt欠债.The tide of the revolution is running high in the whole world.全世界革命浪潮在高涨.The enemy’s supplies are running short.敌人供应日益缺乏.⒃参加竞选(for).⒄写着,说明:The song runs as follows.歌词是这样的.The story runs that据说….I forget how the verse runs.我忘了那句是怎么写的了.⒅(针织品)滑纱,脱线:My stockings have run.我的袜子滑纱了.⒆连续地运动:How his tongue runs!他说话多么流利!⒇平均是,大体是:The fish run large at this season.在这个季节里一般都长得大.Prices for fruit run high in spring.春天水果价格偏高.(21)(金属、蜡烛等)熔化.(22)(银行)挤兑:run on a bank向银行挤兑.

-vt.①使跑,驱策:run a horse跑马.run a race赛跑,赛马.run cattle放牧.②使移动,开动:run a car into a garage把汽车开进车库.run a ship aground把船驶得搁了浅.run a machine开机器.run one’s fingers(a comb)through one’s hair用手指(梳子)梳头.③刺入,插入,撞:run a cord through把绳子穿过….run a nail into a wall把钉子敲进墙里.run one’s head against a wall碰壁.④管理,经营,举办:run study classes办学习班.Run the communes industriously and thriftily.勤俭办社.Study in the university,run it and use Mao Tsetung Thought to transform it.上大学,管大学,用毛泽东思想改造大学.run it fine办事紧凑,经济,有效.run the show逞威风,称霸.⑤追,猎:run a scent追赶猎物.run sb.(or sth.)close1)紧追,紧逼.2)与…并驾齐驱,高低相等.run to earth 1)追至巢穴:run a fox to earth追踪狐狸至其巢穴.2)找了很久才找到:After muchsearching I ran him to earth in a hotel.我找了很久才在一所旅馆中找到他.⑥遭遇:run risks冒险.run the risk of冒…的危险:The PLA man ran the risk of his life to rescue the child from drowning.解放军战士冒生命危险救出了快淹死的小孩.⑦急速通过,冲过:run a blockade冲破封锁.run the rapids过急滩.run the streets儿童在街上玩.⑧使流动,灌注,浇铸:run water into a bathtub把水注入洗澡盆.run bullets铸子弹.run a temperature【口语】发烧.⑨划,划定(界线等):run a boundary line划定边界线.⑩使陷入(困难情况):The U.S.government has run the country into huge debt.美国政府使美国陷于庞大的债务.⑾推举…做候选人.⑿使针脚连成一条线(地)缝.⒀走私,偷运;用车运人:run arms偷运武器.run you back home用车把你送回家.△run across偶然遇到,碰见.run after追赶,追求.run amuck胡作非为,乱杀乱砍.run(up)against 1)碰见.2)违反,反对.run away with 1)用尽.2)拐走,和…私奔.3)(比赛)获全胜.4)匆匆接受(意见等).5)(由于太快、太强烈而)控制不住.run down 1)(钟表等因未上弦而)停止:The clock has run down.钟停了.2)消耗尽了:The battery has(or is) run down.电池没电了.3)精疲力竭,衰弱:I am(or feel) run down.我累极了.4)追上.5)诽谤,轻视.6)相撞,撞倒.7)找到,查出:run down a quotation查出引语出处.run in 1)暂短地拜访.2)【口语】逮捕,拘留.3)肉搏.4)【口语】使(候选人)当选.5)小心使用一段后使(新机器)工作良好.run into 1)(使)撞:run(a car)into a wall(把汽车)撞在墙上.2)(使)陷入:run(sb.)into difficulties使(某人)陷入困境.3)偶然遇见.4)达到:run into six metres长达六米.run off 1)逃走.2)(使)流出.3)(火车)出轨,(行为)越轨,(话)离题.4)流利地背(写)出来.5)印刷出来.run on 1)连写,接着排.2)不停地说.3)谈到,涉及:0ur conversation ran on the situation in Indochina.我们谈到了印度支那的形势.4)(时间)过去.5)(疾病等)继续发展.6)(到银行去)挤兑.run out 1)跑出,流出.2)用尽,耗完:run out of blotting paper吸墨纸用完.3)满期.4)消退.5)(绳子)抽出,拉出.6)突出:a pier running out into the sea突伸到海中的码头.7)跑得精疲力尽.run over 1)溢出.2)匆匆浏览.3)短期参观、访问.4)概括地讲.5)(车辆)辗过(人等).run riot 1)无法无天.2)(植物)蔓延,野生.run through 1)刺穿,戳穿.2)匆匆看一遍.3)花光,浪费掉.4)划线穿过.run to 1)达到:run to an extreme走极端.2)有足够的钱干.run to arms匆忙拿起武器.run to seed 1)(菜)老得结籽.2)盛时过去了.run to waste成废物,荒废.run up 1)举起,升起.2)迅速建成,匆匆缝成:We ran that shed up in two days.我们在两天内把那小棚搭起来了.3)加(数字).4)使(债务、价格、费用)迅速增长.5)总计,达到.6)迅速生长.run upon 1)(意外地)碰到.2)撞到.3)思想时刻集中在…上.run wild 1)放肆,撒野,横冲直撞.2)荒芜.

-n.①跑,赛跑:a i00-metre run 百米赛跑.I am used to go for a run at dawn.我习惯清晨跑步.at a run 跑步.②奔逃,逃亡:on the run 1)逃走.keep(or have)the enemy on the run 使敌人疲于奔命.2)忙个不停:I have been on the run all day.我整天忙得要命.③旅行,航行路线,行程:The foreign guests took a run to Hangchow.外宾们到杭州旅行了一次.How many hours’run is Peking from Shenyang by train?从沈阳到北京乘火车要走多少小时?④急剧下降:Prices(temperature)came down with a run.物价(体温)迅速下降.⑤连续,一连串:a run of ill(good)luck一连串的不幸(幸运).a run of wet weather阴雨连绵.The film has had a long run.这影片己连演很长时间了.in the long run 归根到底.⑥趋势:The run of events is clear.事情发展的趋势很明显.⑦普通种类:the common run of mankind普通人.an hotel out of the common run 与众不同的旅馆.⑧流行,畅销:have a good run 非常流行.There is a great run on the book.这本书很畅销.⑨挤兑.⑩牧场,饲养场:a sheep run 牧场.a poultry run 养场.⑾(迁徙中的)鱼群⑿自由使用权:allow him the run of my books允许他随意看我的书.⒀(垒球)一分.⒁矿脉走向.⑥【乐】急奏.⒃(针织品)滑纱.⒄(测微器)行差.

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