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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:44:52

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1117页(1371字)


(said,said,第三人称单数现在式says)vt.①说,讲:say ‘Good-bye’to sb.向某人说‘再见’.Say it in English.用英语讲.Say which you prefer.你说要哪一个.What do you say to a short talk?谈一谈怎么样?People say that he is a good player.大家认为他是优秀运动员.They say(=It is said)据说:It is said in the newspaper that it will be fine tomorrow.据报纸报导,明天天气好.say a good word for(sb.or sth.)称赞,为…说好话 say the word下命令.Easier said than done.【谚】说着容易,做着难.②说明,声明,宣称,断定:No one can say where he is.谁也说不上他在哪儿.The clock says five minutes after six.钟指到六点五分.The smug look on his face said that he was confident of success.他那种自若的表情,说明他对成功充满信心.③重复,背诵:say one’s lessons背书.Say it again.重复一遍.④(多用于祈使句、疑问句和否定句)假定,估计:a couple of hours,say,from seven to nine两个钟头时间,比方说,从七点到九点.Let us say,there are a lot of difficulties in your way.Can you conquer them?假如说要遇到许多困难,你能克服吗?There is no saying when he will come.说不上他什么时候来.

-vi.说,发表意见:Who said so?谁这么说的?You may well say so.你说得对.So you say!真的吗!I say(开始谈话,引起注意,表示惊奇)喂,哎呀,我是说:I say,be quiet.喂,安静.go without saying不言而喻.that is to say 就是说,换句话说:On January 13th,that is to say,next Monday.一月十三号,也就是下星期一.

-n.①话,想说的话,没说的话:have(or say)one’s say 说完想说的话,把意见讲完:I’ve done my best,said my say.该做的我都做了,该说的我都说了.②发言权,发言机会:It’s my say next.下一个该我发言了.have a(no,not much) say in the matter对这事有(无、有几分)发言权.③(the say)决定权:Who has the say in the matter?谁有权决定这件事?

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