出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1151页(932字)
n.①(只用sing.)荫,树荫,荫凉地方:Let us take a rest in the shade of the tree.让我们在树荫下休息一会.Keep the medicine in the shade.把药放在阴凉处.②(颜色的)浓淡,(画的)色调,阴暗部分:three different shades of brown三种深浅不同的褐色.There is not enough light and shade in the drawing.这幅画的明暗不够显明.③遮蔽物(灯罩、遮光板、屏风、防护罩、帘、幕等):a window shade 窗帘.a lamp shade 灯伞.④微小的差别:This is a word with many shades of meaning.这是一个意义具有许多微小差异的词.She looks a shade better today.看起来她今天好一些了.⑤(pl.)阴暗,幽暗:The shades of evening had by this time fallen upon the quiet city.此时夜幕已笼罩着这座寂静的城市.⑥鬼魂,幽灵.
△in the shade 1)在阴处.2)默默无闻.throw(or cast,put)sth·(or sb.)into the shade 使相形见绌.
-vt.①遮,遮蔽,遮住:遮光:shade alamp把灯遮起来.shade one’s eyes from the sun遮住阳光使不刺眼睛.The tree shades the house nicely.这树恰好把房子遮住.②(在画上)画阴影,(制图)描黑.
-vi.①(颜色)逐渐变化(off,into,away):scarlet as hading off into pink红色逐渐变成粉红色.②【喻】(意义)逐渐变化.shad·ing n.①(绘画)明暗,明暗法.②细微差别.