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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:51:27

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1173页(2153字)


n.①(具有平面的物体的)面:the six sides of a cube立方体的六面.②(物体除顶或底的)侧面:A box has a top,a bottom, and four sides.箱子有一个顶,一个底和四个侧面.③(物体的不属于顶、底、前面或后面的)侧面:The door is on the north side of the house.门在房子的北面.It has a glass front,but the sides and back are made of wood.这个东西前面是玻璃的,后面和两侧是木制的.④【数】边,(桌子、房间等的)边缘:Asquare has four sides.四方形有四个边.the side of a table桌子边.⑤(布、纸等薄而扁平物质的)面:the right side of the cloth布的正面.Write on one side of the paper only.只在纸的一面写.⑥(里面外面的)面,(月亮等对着我们的)面:the upper and under sides of a plank木板的上下面.put one’s socks on the wrong side out反穿袜子.⑦(身体的)侧边,肋:I have a pain in the left side.我左肋疼痛.side by side 并肩地,互相支持地:We must stand side by side,helping each other in the struggle against our common enemy.我们要肩并肩,互相支持,反对我们共同的敌人.split(or shake,burst)one’s sides(with laughter)捧腹大笑.by the side of(=by sb.’s side)1)在…旁边:Come and sit by my side.过来,坐在我旁边.2)与…在一起比较:He lookssmall by the side of the players.他和运动员在一起相比,显得矮小.⑧(尤指宰后动物从脊骨一分为二的前腿至后腿中间的)半边躯体,肋肉:a side of mutton半只(肉).⑨(山、堤的)坡,山坡:Which side of the mountain did you climb up?你从山的哪一面爬上来的?⑩(由中心线分开的物体、地区、空间的)部分,面,方,边:the left side of the street街道的左面.the east side of the town城镇的东区.the opposite side of a river河的对面.the debit(credit) side of an account帐簿中的借(贷)方.Which side of the bed do you prefer to sleep in?你要在床的哪边睡?on(or from)all sides=on(or from)every side 从各方面,到处:People came running from all sides to see what had happened.人们从四面八方跑来看看发生了什么事情.take sb.on one side 置某人于一旁.on the right(wrong) side of(fourty)不足(已过)(四十岁).⑾(比赛的)队,(政治的)党,(敌对的)方,集团,派系:be favourable to our side 有利于我方.be on the winning(losing) side 属于胜(败)方.Justice is on our side.正义在我方.There are faults on both sides.双方都有过失.take sides with(争论中)偏袒(某人).off(on) side(足球、曲棍球)不合(合)规则的位置.⑿不相同的或相对的方面(观点):look on the bright(dark) side of things看事物的光明(黑暗)面.study all sides of a question研究一个问题的各个方面.There are two sides to the story.这故事有两个说法.on the high(low,etc.) side 稍高(低等).⒀世系,家系,血统:relatives on the paternal side 父系的亲戚.⒁【口语】摆架子,自负:He puts on too much side.他架子太大了.He has no side.他很谦虚.

-vi.袒护,声援,支持:side with the oppressed nations站在被压迫民族一边.


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