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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:00:09

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1229页(856字)


(split,splitting)vt.①劈开、扯开,胀开,使裂开:split a board把板子劈开.split sheep skin撕开皮.②分开,分解,分:split a compound into its elements把化合物分解成元素.split the cost of分担…花费.Let’s split the job among us.让我们分分工吧.③分裂:split the atom分裂原子.

-vi.①劈开,裂开,胀开:Some kinds of wood split easily.有些木头易劈.A jar splits by the freezing of water in it.水结冰胀破了坛子.My head feels as though it would split.我头疼得要裂开了.②分裂,分割,分离,分:The students split(up)into three groups.学生分为三组.③【俚】泄露,出卖:split on one’s companions出卖同伙.

△split one’s sides笑破肚皮.split hairs剖析过细,吹毛求疵:Why split hairs over the side issues?为什么对枝节问题纠缠不休呢?a split mind精神分裂症.a split second片刻.split the difference互相让步,取折衷办法.

-n.①裂开,绽开,缝隙,裂缝:Will you sew up this split in the seat of my trousers,please?你把我裤子后裆的绽线缝一缝好吗?②分派,分裂.③【口语】(汽水等的)半瓶.④【体】(pl.)劈叉.

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