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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:03:50

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1253页(1709字)


(stuck,stuck)vt.①戳,扎,刺入,刺透:2stick a knife into a trunk把小刀刺进树干.2stick an apple on a fork将苹果插在叉上.②贴,粘住,固着:2stick a stamp on an envelope把邮票贴在信封上.Can you 2stick the broken pieces together?你能把这些碎片粘起来吗?S2stick no bills!不许招贴!③【口语】(迅速地、粗心地)放置:2stick a pen behind one’s ear把笔夹在耳后.2stick one’s hands in one’s pockets把手插在衣袋里.2stick a cap on one’s head把帽子戴在头上.④伸出:Don’t 2stick your head out of the window.不要把头伸出窗外.⑤【口语】忍受,忍耐:How can you 2stick that fellow?你怎么能忍受那个家伙?S2stick it!忍耐一下!S2stick it out.【口语】忍耐到底.⑥【口语】难住:2stick sb.with a problem用问题难住某人.

-vi.①戳,刺入,刺进:A nail stuck in his foot.一根钉子扎进了他的脚.②粘住,固着,陷住:The key stuck in the lock.钥匙卡在锁里了.The bus stuck in the mud.公共汽车陷在泥里了.The newly-painted door has stuck.新漆的门粘住不能动了.2stick together【口语】互相忠诚或友好,团结如一.2stick in one’s throat 1)(建议等)难以接受.2)(话)梗在喉咙里.

△2stick around【口语】在附近徘徊.2stick at 1)专心于,不间断地做.2)拒绝,反对.3)顾虑,迟疑:Don’t 2stick at trifles.不要为小事而迟疑.2stick at nothing什么也不顾虑,什么也动摇不了.2stick by 1)忠于.2)拒不离开:The dog stuck by our side all day.这整天跟在我们身边.3)徘徊,逗留.4)放在…附近:S2stick the coat by the bed,he is sure to see it.把衣服放在床边,他肯定会看见的.2stick sth.down 1)【口语】放下.2)【口语】写下.3)贴,粘住:2stick down an envelope把信封口粘住.2stick it on【俚】要高价.2stick on 1)停留在:He was not a good rider but managed to 2stick on.他不是好骑手但设法骑住()了.2)贴上:2stick on a label贴标签.2stick out(使)突出,(使)伸出,(使)显眼.2stick out for坚持要:2stick out for heavy tasks坚决要求繁重的任务.2stick to 1)忠于(理想、朋友等).2)坚持,继续:2stick to a task until it is finished坚持到任务完成.2stick up 1)(使)直立,竖立:The pillars of the wharf are still 2sticking up in the water.码头的桩子仍在水中竖立着.2)拦劫,抢劫:2stick up the bank抢劫银行.2stick a bus up拦劫公共汽车.2stick up for为…辩护:2stick up for truth为真理辩护.2stick up to(被攻击时)抵抗.

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