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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:04:55

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1260页(514字)


n.①狂暴天气,风暴,暴风雨(雪):a storm of wind and rain风雨交加.a storm of bullets一阵弹雨.be tempered in the great storm of the revolutionary struggle在革命斗争的大风大浪中经受锻炼.a storm in a teacup大惊小怪.After a storm comes a calm.【谚】雨过天晴.②骚动,动乱,风潮,【军】袭击,猛攻:take by storm 1)袭取,强夺:The enemy’s fortress was taken by storm.敌人碉堡已被攻下.2)轰动,使感动,使大吃一惊:The news has taken the town by storm.这消息轰动了全城.③感情的突然爆发:a storm of applause暴风雨般的掌声.



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