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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:11:14

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1296页(1564字)


(swept,swept)vt.①扫,清扫,扫除:sweep the floor扫地(板).sweep the dirt off刷去污物.sweep away rubbish清除垃圾.sweep the soot out of the chjmney打扫烟囱里的灰.②吹,刮,冲:The wind swept my hat off.风把我的帽子吹掉了.The flood swept away the bridge.洪水冲垮了这座桥.③扫荡,肃清,排除,在…扫雷:sweep au obstacles from one’s path排除道路上的一切障碍.sweep the harbour扫除海港中的水雷.be swept into the rubbish heap of history被扫进历史的垃圾堆Ssweep away all monsters.横扫一切神.Cadres,old and new,must constantly sweep away the dust of bureaucracy.新老干部都要经常扫除官僚主义的灰尘.④扫过,擦过,掠过:His fingers swept the keys of the piano.他的手指轻快地在钢琴键上掠过.⑤眺望,环视,扫视:sweep the heavens with a telescope用望远镜了望天际.The searchlights swept the night sky.探照灯划过夜空.⑥一掠而过地鞠躬或行礼.

-vi.①扫,扫除:A new broom sweeps clean.【谚】新东西(似乎)总比旧东西好用,新官上任三把火.②袭来,狂吹,疾驰,掠过:The wind swept along the street.风沿街吹过.An eagle swept past.一鹰掠过.A big wave swept over the deck.大浪掠过甲板.The cavalry swept down on the enemy.骑兵猛袭敌军.③大摇大摆地走,昂首阔步地走:She swept out of the room.她大模大样地走出房间.④横亘,连绵:The plain sweeps away to the sea.这平原延伸到海边.⑤【电】扫描,照射.

△sweep the board1)赌博时赢去台面上所有的钱.2)独占鳌头.sweep all before one所向无敌be swept off one′s feet为…所感动,抑制不住情感.

-n.①打扫:give it a thorough sweep 大扫除.make a clean sweep of搬光(旧家具等);彻底清洗(人员等).②(手等的)一挥:a sweep of his arm他的臂一挥.③环视,眼界,区域,范围:within the sweep of eye视野之内.beyond the sweep of在…达不到的地方,在…范围之外.④(路、河等的)弯曲部分:The river makes a great sweep to the left.这条河向左拐了一个大弯.⑤绵亘,一带:a sweep ot mountain country峰峦重叠的国家.⑥扫烟囱灰的人,不干净的人,讨厌的人:You dirty sweep!你这个坏蛋!⑦(帆船无风时用的)长桨.⑧(井上用以提桶的)长竿,桔槔.⑨凸线辊形.⑩【电】后掠形,箭形.

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