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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:18:18

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1346页(3165字)


n.①时间,光阴:We have no time to lose.我们不能耽误时间.There is no time to lose.刻不容缓.I have no time for chattering.我没有时间闲谈.We are pressed for time.我们的时间很急迫.Take your time over it.不要急,慢慢来.(work,etc.)against time 分秒必争地(工作等).in no time 立刻.gain time 拖延时间.half the time 1)一半时间.2)常常,几乎总是.②时候.(一段)时间,期间,时节:at this time of the year在这时节.It’s time for lunch.是吃午饭的时间了.He was the head of the school in my time.我在那学校期间他是校长.It will last a time.它还能维持一段时间.They discuss all problems with the masses in good time and on the spot.他们随时随地和群众一起研究问题.at one time 曾有一段时期.once upon a time 从前.at other times在其他时候,平素.at all times时时,随时:Be ready at all times to destroy the enemy intruders!随时准备歼灭入侵之敌!all the time 一直,始终:I looked all over the house for that key,and it was in my pocket all the time.我满屋找那把钥匙,而它一直在我的口袋里.for the time being暂时.from time to time(=at times)间或,时时.at the same time 1)同时:sing and dance at the same time 边唱边跳.2)可是,然而.time immemorial(=time out of mind)远古时代,早已忘却了的时代.hard(or bad,difficult) times艰难时日.at the best of times在状况最好的时候. the time of one’s life【口语】非常欢乐的一段时间.at your(his) time of life在你的(他的)年纪.③(钟表的)时间,(天)时:standard time(某地区的)标准时间.Peking time 北京时间.What time is it?几点钟了?The child now can tell the time.这孩子现在会看钟了.keep good(bad) time(钟表)走得准(不准).the time of day(钟表上的)时刻.pass the time of day互相问候(如说:“Good morning!”等).④时刻:in time 1)及时:We arrived in time.我们及时到达.2)迟早,终久:The Indochinese people will wipe out all the enemy intruders in time.印度支那人民迟早会消灭所有入侵之敌.on time 准时:The train arrived on time.火车准时到达.one’s time is drawing near…的危机时刻(或重要关头)快到了.near her time(产妇)临盆.behind time 1)迟到:The train is five minutes behind time.火车晚点五分钟.2)落后,拖欠.⑤机会,时机,时限:It is the best time to harvest wheat.这是收割小麦的最好时机.Time is up.时间到了.There is a time for everything.做啥事都有个时候.Now is your time!你的机会到了!high time 应该…的时候:It is high time for us to go.我们该走了.in the nick of time 正是时候:You came in the nick of time.你来得正是时候.take time by the forelock抓住时机.do time【口语】服刑.⑥(常pl.)时代,时期:in times of war在战时.in normal(or ordinary) times在平时.the torrent of the times时代潮流.ahgad of(or born before)one’s time(s)超出时代之前,有过于进步或开明的思想.behind the times过时的,有落后于时代的思想等.⑦次数,次:for the first(second) time 第一(二)次.last(next) time 上次(下次).We must do it carefully this time.这次我们得仔细做.We have tried three times.我们已试过三次了.Hand them to me two at a time.每次递给我两个.many a time(=many times)屡次,常常.time and again(=times without number)屡次,重复地.⑧倍(常用于三倍以上,两倍用twice),乘:Four times five is(or are)twenty.四乘五得二十.In our area now the grain output is six times as much as that before liberation.现在我们地区粮食产量相当于解放前的六倍.Yours is three times the size of mine.你的有我的三倍大.⑨【乐】拍子:beat time 打拍子.in(out of) time 合拍(不合拍).keep time 按拍子(唱歌或跳舞).in double-quick time 非常快.keep time and tune保持和谐,步调一致.⑩(Time)(pl.)时报:The New York Ttimes《纽约时报》.The Ttimes(伦敦)《泰唔士报》.

-vt.①使合时宜,选好时机,安排好时间:time one’s behaviour(appearance)使自己的举止(风度)合宜.time one’s blows(action)伺机打击(见机行动).The remark was well(ill) time d.这话正合(不合)时宜.You had better time your journey so that you may arrive before dark.你最好把旅途时间安排好,以便在天黑以前到达.②记录…的时间:time a race记录赛跑时间.③校准(钟表),调整(速度),使合拍:time one’s watch把表拨准.time the speed of a machine调整机器的速度.time one’s steps to a march使步伐跟上进行曲的速度.

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