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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:22:20

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1371页(898字)


vt.①对待,看待:He was treated as a guest.人们待他象客人一样.They treat us kindly.他们亲切地对待我们.We must never treat lightly the struggle against the bourgeoisie in the ideological sphere.我们在意识形态领域中和资产阶级的斗争,决不能等闲视之.②讨论,研究:He treated his subject thoroughly.他对他的讲题阐述得很透彻.③医治,治疗:treat a disease(patient)治疗疾病(病人).Which doctor treated him for his illness?哪一位大夫给他治的病?④处理:treat ore处理矿物.⑤款待,请客:I’ll treat you to something nice.我要请你吃好东西.I’ll treat you to a film on Sunday.星期天我请你看电影.We shall treat ourselves to a good Spring Festival.我们将好好地过一个春节

-vi.①论述,论及(of):This important article treat sof the struggle between the two lines within the Party.这篇重要文章论述了党内两条路线的斗争.②谈判,商议:treat with sb.for sth.与某人商谈某事.

-n.①乐事:It’s a treat to go to the seashore.到海边去是件很愉快的事.②款待,请客:This is to be my treat.这次我请客.stand treat【口语】请客,作东道主:He stood treat last night.昨晚他请客.

上一篇:trea·ty 下一篇:tree