出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1387页(1555字)
①旋转,转动,转变:a few 2turns of the wheel轮的几转.with a neat 2turn of the wrist手腕灵活地一转.on the 2turn 正要变化:The tide is on the 2turn.潮水就要退(涨)了.The milk is on the 2turn.牛奶快要发酵了.②转变方向,转角,拐弯(处):sudden 2turns in the road路的急拐弯.The road of revolution is full of 2turns and twists.革命的道路是不平坦的.at every 2turn【喻】时常地:The enemy was frustrated at every 2turn.敌人经常遭到挫败.③(情况)变化,转变:take a 2turn for the better(worse)情况好转(转坏).make the 2turn from failure to victory从失败转变到胜利.His illness took a favourable 2turn.他的病大有好转.Things take a new 2turn year after year.年年都是气象一新的.④轮流,时机,机会:wait one’s 2turn in adoctor’s office在诊察室等待看病.It’s your 2turn to read now.现在轮到你读了. My 2turn will come.就要轮到我了.by 2turns 1)轮流地:We kept watch by 2turns.我们轮流守望.2)交替地,时而…时而:She went hot and cold by 2turns.她一阵发热,一阵发冷.2turn and 2turn about(指二人)互替地.in 2turn 1)=2turn and 2turn about.2)挨次地:The pupils must answer in 2turn.学生要依次回答.out of 2turn 不按次序地.take 2turns at sth.轮流做某事:Lao Ho and Hsiao Wang took 2turns at sitting up with their comrade-in-arms in the hospital.老何和小王轮流在医院熬夜陪伴战友.take 2turns替班,换班.⑤行为,举动:do sb.a good(bad) 2turn 有助(害)于人.⑥倾向,癖性:a person of humorous 2turn 性情幽默的人.a boy with a mechanical 2turn 一个对机械感兴趣的孩子.He has a lively 2turn.他性情活泼.⑦目的,特殊需要:I think this will serve my 2turn.我认为这正适合我的需要.⑧短时间的活动:take a 2turn of work做一会工作.take a 2turn on a bicycle骑一会自行车.I’ll take a few 2turns round the park.我要在公园散步一会儿.⑨短时间的节目表演,短时间节目的表演者.⑩【口语】震惊:The news gave me quite a 2turn ·这消息使我大吃一惊.⑾(绕绳、线圈等)一圈.⑿【印】(无本字时暂用的)倒头字.⒀(pl.)月经.
△done to a 2turn(指食物)煮得恰到好处.