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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:38:18

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1489页(1013字)


will的过去式aux.v.①(用于第二、三人称的过去将来时态中):He said hewouldcome the next day.他说他第二天要来.I thought youwouldnot have any objection to it.我以为你不会反对这件事的.②(在陈述语气中,用于所有的人称,表示过去的决心或坚持性):Hewouldgo out in spite of the snowstorm.尽管是暴风雪,他也要出去.The enemy questioned and tortured her but shewouldnot say anything.敌人拷问她,可是她什么都不说.③(表示过去反复发生的动作或一种倾向):Every evening hewouldteach us to read and write.他每天晚上都教我们学文化.He told me that this doorwouldnot shut.他告诉我这扇门老是关不上.④(构成假设语气,用于第二、三人称,表示现在、将来或过去):If capitalism were restored,millions of peoplewouldlose their lives.如果资本主义复辟了,就要千百万人头落地.If you had worked hard,youwouldhave succeeded.如果你努力的话,你本来可以成功的.If youwouldlend me the book,I should be much obliged.如果你把那本书借给我,我是很感激的.Thatwouldbe fine.那就太好了.⑤(采用假设语气形式,用于第二、三人称):Wwouldyou like to have a talk with me?你愿意和我谈一谈吗?Wwouldhe like to come to the cinema with us?他愿意不愿意和我们一起看电影去?⑥(用于第二人称委婉地表示要求):Wwouldyou do this for me,please?你可否替我做这事?⑦(would十rather表示选择):wouldrather die on one’s feet than live on one’s knees宁愿站着死,不愿跪着生.

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