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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:39:37

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1498页(586字)


a.①年幼的,幼小的:a young child(tree,animal)幼儿(小树,仔畜).②年轻的,朝气勃勃的:in one’s young days在青年时代.young revolutionary fighters青年革命战士.Look here,young man!喂,小伙子!③新生的,新兴的:a young nation新兴的国家.④没有经验的:I was but young at the work.我对这工作真没有经验.⑤(时日、季节的)早:The night is still young.还不到深夜.⑥(区别父子兄弟或同名人)年纪较小的.a young er brother(sister)弟弟(妹妹).the young er Jones(=Jones the young er)小琼斯.Young Smith often works together with his father in the fields.小史密斯常跟父亲一起在地里干活.

-n.①(the young)青少年(总称):books for the young 少年读物.②仔,崽:with young 带崽:The cow is with young 母带崽了.

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