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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-13 10:31:58

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1199页(1051字)


a.①平滑的,光滑的:smooth paper光滑的纸.smooth to the touch摸起来光滑的.Are the walls rough or smooth?这墙是粗糙的还是平滑的?②刮光的,不长毛的:a smooth chin刮光的下巴.③平稳的,无颠簸的:a smooth flight in a jet airliner喷气客机的平稳航行.④调匀的:a smooth paste调匀的浆糊.⑤悦耳的,柔和的,合味的,顺眼的:a smooth voice悦耳的声音.smooth wine味道好的酒.⑥温和的,和霭的:a smooth temper温柔的脾气.⑦谄媚的,圆滑的:a smooth face伪善的面孔.⑧流利的,流畅的:a smooth style流畅的文体.⑨平坦的,顺利的:broad smooth highways宽阔平坦的道路.try to make his path smooth er for him设法使他的前途更顺利.be in smooth water已渡过艰难险阻.take the rough with the smooth 随遇而安.⑩平展的,整齐的:smooth hair光滑整齐的头发.⑾磨光的,磨平的:a smooth tire磨平的车胎.⑿【理】无阻力的,无摩擦的:a smooth surface光滑的表面.smoothly ad.smoothness n.

-vt.①使平,使展平,使光滑:smooth a board with a plane用刨子把木板刨平.The crumpled paper was smoothed out.这块绉纸展平了.②缓和,冲淡:smooth sb.’s temper消消某人的火气.smooth away(or over)the differences between A and B消除甲、乙间的分歧.③克服,排除:smooth away an obstacle排除障碍.④使文雅,使通畅,润色,加工:smooth the composition修改作文.

-vi.变光滑,变平静:The sea slowly smoothed down.海面渐渐平静下来.


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