
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:01:54

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第626页(3301字)




abdominal pain due to accumulation of cold evil寒积腹痛

accumulation of blood stasis瘀血阻滞

accumulation of cold evil寒积

accumulation of cold evil in the intestines寒凝肠间

accumulation of damp-heat in the body湿热内蕴

accumulation of damp-heat in the interior湿热内蕴

accumulation of dampness积湿

accumulation of dryness燥结

accumulation of evils结邪

accumulation of evils in the yin channels邪气内结于阴经

accumulation of extravasated blood血积

accumulation of fluid水液停聚

accumulation of fluid in the chest水结胸

accumulation of fluid in the lower warmer下焦蓄水

accumulation of heat热结

accumulation of heat in the chest热实结胸

accumulation of heat in the Chong and Ren channels热伏冲任

accumulation of heat in the intestine and stomach热结肠胃

accumulation of heat in the urinary bladder热结膀胱

accumulation of heat-pathogen in the large intestine热积大肠

accumulation of pathogenic cold in the blood vessels寒邪凝滞血脉

accumulation of pathogenic coldness and obstruction of blood flow寒凝血涩

accumulation of pathogenic evils病邪结聚

accumulation of pathogenic heat and blood stasis in the lower abdomen邪热与瘀血结于小腹

accumulation of pathogenic heat in the body火热之邪伏于体内

accumulation of phlegm痰积

accumulation of phlegm and heat in the lung痰热阻肺

accumulation of phlegm in hypochondrium痰癖

accumulation of qi气郁

accumulation of severe pathogenic cold阴寒积聚

accumulation of yin cold in viscera脏结

accumulation point募穴

constipation due to the accumulation of heatevil in the large intestine热秘

eliminate accumulation of cold and stagnated food峻下寒积

expel the accumulation of evils散结

five kinds of accumulation in the abdomen五积

interior excess due to accumulation of pathogens里实积结

intestinal accumulation of noxious dampheat湿热蕴毒积于肠中

relieve accumulation and clear the hollow viscera导滞通腑

the accumulation of residue inside糟粕内停

This kind of abdominal pain is due to accumulation of cold evil in the intestines.这种腹痛是寒凝肠间所致。

The dry and black coating shows accumulation of dry stool.该舌苔黑燥,肠屎燥结。

The disease resulting from accumulation of evil should be treated with dispersing therapy.结者散之。

&The disease is due to accumulation of damp-heat and noxious fire.该病是因湿热火毒内蕴所致。

It is preferred for the treatment of syndrome of the accumulation of pathogenic cold.它适用于因寒成结之证。

上一篇:accidental 下一篇:abstinence