
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:03:10

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第630页(7950字)


Ⅰ n.针刺,针刺学,针刺术Ⅱ v.对…施行针疗

acupuncture analgesia针刺镇痛

acupuncture anaesthesia针刺麻醉

acupuncture anaesthesia apparatus针麻仪

acupuncture anaesthesia research针刺麻醉研究

acupuncture and electrical stimulation(AEs)电针

acupuncture and moxibustion针灸

acupuncture appliances and instruments针灸器具和仪器

acupuncture classic针灸经典

acupuncture cupping针罐

acupuncture doctor针灸医生

acupuncture effect针刺效果

acupuncture fainting晕针

acupuncture feeling针感

acupuncture for facial beautification针灸美容

acupuncture for sudden obstruction of the throat喉风针法

acupuncture instrument针刺工具

acupuncture manipulation针刺手法

acupuncture manipulation for inducing asensation of cold透天凉

acupuncture mechanism针灸机理

acupuncture method针法

acupuncture point block穴位封闭

acupuncture points on the fourteen regular channels十四经穴

acupuncture procedure针刺治疗

acupuncture techniques针刺法;针刺术

acupuncture therapy针刺疗法

acupuncture to the joint岂刺

acupuncture treatises针灸学专着

acupuncture treatment针刺疗法;针刺治疗

acupuncture with electric stimulation电针疗法

acupuncture with heated needle火针法

acupuncture with warming the needle by moxibustion温针法

adjunct acupuncture points配穴

air acupuncture therapy气针疗法

an acupuncture clinic针灸门诊

an acupuncture needle金针

an acupuncture point针灸穴位

an acupuncture training class针灸培训班

Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion针灸学会联合会

auricular acupuncture耳针

auricular acupuncture anesthesia耳针麻醉

body acupuncture体针

body acupuncture anesthesia体针麻醉

bronze statue with acupuncture points针灸铜人

burning acupuncture火针

cases of successes and failures by acupuncture and moxibustion针灸治疗成功与失败的病案

clinical acupuncture treatment针灸施治

clinical application of ear acupuncture耳针的临床应用

combine acupuncture with medicinal herbs针药结合

combined(compound)acupuncture anesthesia针刺复合麻醉

compatible application of acupuncture points and the time针灸配穴与时间

cure infant deafmutes by new acupuncture treatment用新针疗法治愈聋哑儿

cutaneous acupuncture needle皮肤针

department of acupuncture针科

department of acupuncture and moxibustion针灸科

detector of channel and acupuncture point经络经穴探测仪

ear acupuncture耳针

ear acupuncture therapy耳针法

echo of acupuncture针响

electric acupuncture apparatus电针仪

electric acupuncture therapy电针疗法

electromagnetic acupuncture电磁针刺

exclusive book on acupuncture and moxibustion针灸专着

face acupuncture anesthesia面针麻醉

face acupuncture therapy面针疗法

facial acupuncture面针

finger acupuncture指针

finger force of acupuncture针刺的手力;针刺的指力

five ancient acupuncture methods五刺

foot acupuncture足针

foot acupuncture therapy足针疗法

freezing acupuncture冷冻针灸

hand acupuncture手针

hand acupuncture anesthesia手针麻醉

He-Ne laser acupuncture氦-氖激光针刺

heart surgery with acupuncture anesthesia针刺麻醉心脏手术

International Acupuncture Conference世界针灸学术会议

International Acupuncture Training Centre国际针灸培训中心

learn and popularize acupuncture学习和普及针刺法

lip acupuncture唇针

lip acupuncture anesthesia唇针麻醉

major acupuncture points主穴

manipulation for acupuncture and moxibustion针刺操作;针刺手法

manipulation methods of ear acupuncture耳针的操作法

massage acupuncture points按摩穴法

microwave acupuncture微波针刺

multicoloured hanging charts of acupuncture and moxibustion彩色针灸挂图

nasal acupuncture鼻针

nine acupuncture methods九刺

nose acupuncture鼻针

nose acupuncture anesthesia鼻针麻醉

paraneural acupuncture神经旁刺法

point-through-point method in acupuncture透穴针刺法

possible accidents in acupuncture针刺时的异常现象

practice of finger force of acupuncture针刺反映力(手力)训练

primitive acupuncture原始的针术

redhot acupuncture火针

research institutions in acupuncture针灸研究机构

scalp acupuncture头针

scalp acupuncture anesthesia头针麻醉

scalp acupuncture therapy头针疗法

select acupuncture points of the corresponding channel循经取穴

selection of acupuncture points针灸选穴

somatic acupuncture体针

the Chinese academic society of acupuncture and moxibustion中国针灸学术界

the body acupuncture体针

the body of acupuncture needle针体

the handle of acupuncture needle针柄

the history of acupuncture针刺的历史

the medicine of acupuncture and moxibustion针灸医学

the practice of acupuncture针刺的使用

the prevention of acupuncture fainting,stuck needle,bent needle and broken needle防止晕针、滞针、弯针、折针

the techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion针灸方法;针灸技法

the theory of acupuncture针灸理论

the tip(point)of acupuncture needle针尖

The World Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion世界针灸学会联合会

tonification-purgation techniques of acupuncture针刺补泻

ultra-sound acupuncture超声波针刺

wait for the normal sensation during acupuncture treatment候气

warmed-needle acupuncture温针

wrist-ankle acupuncture腕踝针

Acupuncture on this point is contraindicated in pregnant women.该穴,孕妇禁针。

Acupuncture is very effective for abdominal pain.针灸治疗腹痛效果很好。

For facial paralysis,acupuncture is one of the best treatments.治疗面瘫,针灸是最佳方法之一。

Moxibustion with warming needle is a method of acupuncture combined with moxibustion.温针是将针刺与艾条结合使用的一种方法。

The scalp acupuncture prevents and treats diseases by needling specific stimulation area of the scalp.头针是在头皮特定的刺激区进行针刺,用以防治疾病。

Ear acupuncture therapy treats and prevents diseases by stimulating certain points on the auricle with needles.耳针是在耳廊穴位上用针刺进行刺激,以防治疾病的一种方法。

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